We are a survivor led global network of current and former gymnasts, coaches, parents, fans and more who have come together to campaign for change. We want to end abusive coaching practices in gymnastics, support those who have experienced abuse and create sweeping reform for better athlete welfare within the sport worldwide. Become a survivor advocate and join our campaign to change our sport for the better.
A Brighter Future
You are not alone
Watching the documentary Athlete A was a watershed moment for thousands of gymnasts around the world. The film not only champions the courageous survivors who experienced devastating treatment at the hands of Larry Nassar, but also demonstrates the shocking practices within gymnastics which silence athletes through a culture fear. It’s time for change within our sport and we have the power to act. Please join us in helping to end the exploitation and abuse of gymnasts by sharing our resources and educating those around you on how abuse shows up.
“I believe accountability is one of the most important drivers for change & I hope the steps we are taking will contribute to improved child & athlete safeguarding, not just in gymnastics but in all sports.”
Julia Murcia, Survivor & Advocate Gymnast Alliance Austrlia
“I have been privileged to draw on my professional experience as a lawyer to advocate for wholesale culture change. I remain hopeful that, together with our international survivor community, we will see transformative change in gymnastics around the world.”
Amelia Cline, Survivor & Advocate, Gymnasts for Change Canada
“Through the use of the Gymnast Alliance hashtag, we have been able to raise awareness of the problems that need solving worldwide.”
Jennifer Mcllveen OLY, Founder of the #gymnastalliance
“My advocacy has focused on raising awareness of harm in gymnastics & shaping public discourse on how to address the abuse.”
Dr Georgia Cervin, Lead Advocate New Zealand

get support
If you have experienced or witnessed physical, psychological or sexual abuse while taking part in gymnastics and would like support, we’re here to help.
Olympic Athletes Speak out
INTERNATIONAL REVIEWS Find Abuse normalised within the sport.
To date, the Governments or National Sports Governing Bodies of Australia, Holland, New Zealand, Switzerland & the United Kingdom have all conducted reviews into the culture of Elite Gymnastics and have found abuse to have been normalised within the sport for decades. Their investigations support the voices of gymnasts who have spoken out about their lived experience in the sport, yet meaningful reform has still not been implemented.