Reform 25: A Hollow PR Exercise?

Daren Norman a former leading British Gymnastics judge and whistleblower gives his opinions on British Gymnastics Reform 25 strategy.

Within the hallowed halls of British Gymnastics, whispers reverberate through the corridors. Whispers of discontent, disillusionment, and a gnawing sense of betrayal. The Reform 25 initiative, held up by British Gymnastics as the beacon of hope after the damning Whyte Review, now stands at a crossroads. Is it a mere tick-box exercise, a perfunctory nod to accountability? Or can it genuinely pave the way for transformation?

The Trust Deficit
Members, once fervent believers, now harbour scepticism. They’ve witnessed the unravelling of trust, thread by thread. The organisation’s leadership, ensconced in their ivory towers, seems disconnected from the very fabric of gymnastics. Their inaction, their silence, has allowed abusers to flourish. The membership’s trust lies shattered, like a gymnast’s fractured dream.

A Call for Top-Down Change
The solution lies not in cosmetic adjustments but in a seismic shift. Management, beholden to the past, must relinquish their grip. The same hands that turned a blind eye cannot now be entrusted with renewal. Only a complete overhaul, a fresh infusion of leadership, can breathe life into the dying embers of trust.

The Crucible of Reformation
British Gymnastics, listen closely. Your credibility hangs in the balance. A comprehensive reformation is the crucible where transformation is forged. Transparency, fairness, and accountability—these are not mere buzzwords. They are the bedrock upon which gymnastics must rise anew.

National, Regional, and County Competitions: A Tale of Bias
Beyond the boardrooms, let us descend to the mats. Privately organised competitions sparkle with promise. They are thrilling, fair, and electric. But the arena shifts when we step onto the national, regional, and county stages. Here, bias creeps in like a silent fog. Judges, guardians of impartiality, sometimes wield their gavels with personal vendettas. Coaches become pawns in their power play. Rival clubs, not rival gymnasts, bear the brunt. The competent stumble, their scores inexplicably low. It’s a dance of shadows, where fairness waltzes away.

A Coach’s Lament
As a coach and former judge, I’ve seen the script unfold. Gymnasts, sinew and spirit, leap with grace. Yet, the scales tip against them. Personal biases, veiled vendettas, mar the canvas. The very essence of gymnastics—effort, discipline, dreams—trampled underfoot.

The Way Forward
British Gymnastics, heed this plea. Reformation is not a choice; it’s an imperative. Tear down the old, plant seeds of integrity. Let transparency be your anthem, fairness your compass. Only then can you reclaim trust, stitch together the frayed fabric, and build a sanctuary for gymnasts—a place where dreams vault higher than ever before.


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