Explore our resources below to find out how we can help.
Our survivor led network provides a safe space where affected people can speak about their trauma and gain support to begin their healing journey. We work alongside a team of psychotherapists and psychologists who have first-hand experience of abuse in gymnastics, to provide the therapeutic resources that have been missing to date.

WhatsApp Support Line
Our WhatsApp Support Line is here for you when you feel ready to reach out. Disclosing can be a great way to open the door to support and be an important first step on your journey towards healing. Our goal is to provide an empathic ear and signpost you towards further support.
Thinking about reporting abuse in gymnastics?
Understanding your options is essential when reporting abuse in gymnastics. Informed reporting to a statutory body or national governing body, should only be done when, and only when, you have all the available options to hand. Our ‘How to Report’ resources have been specially designed by our members to help guide your next steps. Find out more about how & when to report.
Breaking the silence of abuse in gymnastics is a big step to take. When an abuse survivor remains silent it is not only because of a fear of not being believed, but because recognising what happened to them can have serious consequences for their psyche. Our Community Programme has been designed for those seeking support in their next step towards healing.
Many athletes need specialist support to process the intensity of their athletic experiences and ensure they find healthy coping skills to deal with the stress and pressures of life’s enevitable challenges. If you’re looking for l1:2:1 therapy to help pocess your experinces in the sport of gymnastics then Kay Sailsbury is here to help. Explore her website and book a consultation to get specialist gymnastics abuse support.